1on1: firstly, can tell us a bit about your team?
Shazli: team futsal kami ialah COPA COBANA...kaler rasmi team kaler biru. ade 6 org ahli sekarang.. yg best psl team ni...team ni kekal tetapi ahlinye berubah2
1on1: hoho...boleh citer skit knape berubah2? internal conflicts perhaps? (jeng jeng jeng)
Shazli: soklan cepu emas nih..erm, maybe sebab masing2 mencari kelainan
1on1: haha...reporter mmg suka tanye soalan cepumas. so is that a good thing? player berubah2?
Shazli: its not about good or not...as long as we enjoy playing our football n have fun...then,its OK
* right: team logo by Dinie Tumaisuri
* right: team logo by Dinie Tumaisuri

Shazli: ade perbezaan maen futsal n football (bola padang)..kalo maen football tu,dari skolah rendah lg dah maen...peringkat paling tggi..time wakil RMC (sekolah menengah)..kalo futsal tu...time lepas SPM baru kenal futsal..maen gitu2 je
1on1: what makes a good football/futsal player?
Shazli: hmmm...IMHO i think you should understand each other as a team collectively and not individually..other than dat, teamwork is also very important

1on1: speaking of teamwork, td u mentioned that player copa slalu berubah2 kan..so do u think that if players x tukar2... copa would've done better in the league?
Shazli: nice one....it doesn't depend on who da player is...copa will succeed no matter what..u can change the whole team, but at the end of the day the more important thing is the commitment of each player..hence, copa will become much better..iALLAH
1on1: wut do u think of this season? up to expectation tak?
shazli: honestly, i think dis season is great..the organizer has done a fantastic job...the teams are improving..we can see new talented players,who deserve to play for da uni team. yeah...up to expectation....positioning currently at top 5 which is good...:D
1on1: rase2 ape outcome esok? :D
shazli: as we all oredi know..DnC will become champions..congrats to them...runners-up boogies..as for my team,we are challenging for 3rd placing together with Chittapa and GM..so we'll play at our best and hope the result from chiitapa match will favor us..iALLAH
1on1: and for best player?
shazli: hehe, IMHO best player should be Avinesh..coz he is the top goal scorer in da league n becomes influential player in the team...hehe,avi jgn kembang arr :D
shazli: its abit of both,actually...berminat dan terpaksa...berminat sbb nk blajar bab2 recording nih..terpaksa tu,sbb xde sape lg nk volunteer jadik videocam-man....as for next season,i dont know weather i'll carry on da duty or not..hehe:P
1on1: hahahha...nape x sure... dh serik ke??? slalu vids tu edit sorg ke kau ada anak2 buah lg?
shazli: i really enjoy doing da job..editing alone is not a problem...i just hope that theres volunteer especially juniors to help me (at the zal).coz im a player too!
1on1: next question; wutdya think of AL as RFL manager (<------ni percubaan membodek boss)
shazli: he's done a fantastic job throughout the season..highly commited in his job...theres no single fight among players in da field..(finger crossed for tomorrow :P).it shows how good he managed da league,really...worth mentioning he helps me alot,i mean alot during taking vids..guess we hv to find another manager for next season.any one?
1on1: wahhh mmg bodek ni :P...kipas2
shazli: ececece...fuh fuhh..panas2
1on1: last question. in ur opinion, how can we help in improving the football scene in Msia? i mean we always hear ppl saying that we have to get rid of internal politics, improve training and etc but that's up to the football clubs and the sports authority. how can we as a member of the public do our part in making a difference?
shazli: hurmm...firstly,we hv to support our M-league (boikot EPL ~woooo -joking-:P)..by going to the stadium.. beli jersey malaysia@club/negeri yg original..as for the players...take proper diet,not,hamburgers or nasi lemak...as u mentioned,go for training...be punctual n discpline....i think it'll improve not only the players..the quality of da game,bringing back da malaysian pride and so on..

1on1: before we end, do u have anything to say to COPA fans out there?
Shazli: thanks for supporting copa n RFL directly or indirectly..i hope u all will keep on supporting Copa :D ~hidup COPA!
so this marks the end of 1on1 series for this season. we hope you had a blast as much as we do. and remember for next season, as Shazli said in the interview, there's a job vacancy for the video crew! work for him/with him... whatever it is.. let's make RFL big for more seasons to come!! until next season, bye!!
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