Nobody can predict from cutting the electric wire and getting shocked for it would turn this young boy into a famous Chittapa FC one day. Of all those naughty old days of rolling down the stairs and burning plastics in his childhood, ARUL KANESH from is now a grown man who was also dubbed as "the ever reliable captain" of Chittapa FC.
OneonOne decides to bring you the best of ARUL KANESH.
101: Hello there Mr Arul Kanesh!
Arul Kanesh: Hello..

101: I hope you are doing great after the big win in the Kumosc Sukom Games recently!Congratulations for that!
Arul Kanesh: Thanks... yeah.. it was really nice to win the Kumosc Sukom Games..
101: I'm from the OneOnOne team, we would like to have a little chat with you about your futsal life. Is that okay?
Arul Kanesh: Sure.. it will be my pleasure..
101: Who inspires you to start playing futsal?
Arul Kanesh: Hmm.. i started playing futsal only after i came to Moscow.. before that i was only playing field football.. actually my dad.. he's the one who inspires me..
101: Your dad plays football with you?
Arul Kanesh: Yeah.. when i was in primary school.. used to play with my dad.. dad was very active in sports that time.. he always supports me to do well in sports..
101: Very cool dad
Arul Kanesh: hehe..
101: So tell me about your best moment in RFL.
Arul Kanesh: best moment in RFL surely when I won the first RFL 06/07 with Chittapa FC.. when we beat Pejuang Hamas 5-4... it will always be my favourite match ever..
101: Wicked.
101: You're Chittapa's team Captain right?
Arul Kanesh: Haha.. Yup...
101: So we heard you drilled your team into practising and more practising. Was it hard to get the team working together?
Arul Kanesh: Actually..it not hard to get them work together.. but the hard part is to find the guys that can gel together with each others.. once they gelled up, the rest will just follow in... actually.. its not only me...its the whole team.. Arul Botak, Brahma, Ganesan, Updesh, Sathiya, Thanes and Ganesh... i m very lu
cky to have them in my team..
101: That's good.
101: So we heard that Chittapa has this 'goalkeeper rotating policy' going on. What's your view on this?
Arul Kanesh: Yeah.. its been forever for Chittapa FC.. we never able to find a proper keeper for the team.. after a long fruitless search..we finally dediced to "rotate the keeper" as many of my guys can play goalkeeper..even me also... hehe.. those out thr, who are interested to be CFC's keeper..you're always welcomed.. heheh
101: tell us about your moto 'we wanna paint the town yellow'. and why yellow?
Arul Kanesh: i just change the " paint the town red" into yellow.. hehe and why yellow... 1st may be coz i like the yellow color.. i even had a yellow futsal shoe last time.. 2nd .. yellow is a auspicious color in Indian culture... hehe..
101: interesting.
101: What about rivalry. Do you guys have any of teams listed as 'most feared'?
Arul Kanesh: Rivalry... Hmm.. actually all the teams in the RFL tis year are very good teams.. all of them playing really well and improved .
Arul Kanesh: so..
Arul Kanesh: all the teams are kinda "feared"... but the "the most feared" will always goes to G-15.. our best rivalry team.. we miss them.. haha
Alina: LOL
Arul Kanesh: =D
101: Other than football, what are other things that you are passionate about?
Arul Kanesh: other than football... i m reli passionate with my future job.. i think being a doctor is something reli nice.. u get to relieve ppl from their pain... and create a smile in th
101: interesting 101: we heard you're also have a black belt in taekwondo, is that correct?
Arul Kanesh: yeah..
101: total ownage
Arul Kanesh: =D
101: what about future plans? 101: which area you're going to proceed during specialist?
Arul Kanesh: surgery has always interest me.. i always wanted to be a cardio-thorax surgeon... hope i will excel in tat field..
101: favorite football player?
Arul Kanesh: Vidic and Ronaldo
101: any advice to those who want to be a talented footballer?
Arul Kanesh: i m not tat talented also..but if wanna be talented footballer.. one must put alot of effort and must be willing to learn from others.. and learn from his previous mistakes..
101: ic
101: So.. 101: personal questions..
Arul Kanesh: haha
101: Where do you get your beard trimmed?
101: (LOL)
Arul Kanesh: haha.. i do it myselfla.. heheh
101: I see. So you trim them every week before RFL?
101: (LOL)
Arul Kanesh: depends.. if i think they will be some cute girls..then i will..if not i wont bother.. hahaha
101: i take it craig david inspire your facial hair trimming.am i right or am i right?
Arul Kanesh: haha..actually.. its due to a Mexican drama..
Arul Kanesh: actor in mexican drama tat mom watch last time..
Arul Kanesh: haha..
101: so it seems like there's an issue going on with a bride somewhere. do you have anything to say about your on-going YM status 'beautiful than a bride'? 101: (just thought ppl might wanna know..LOL)
Arul Kanesh: hahaha... nothin actually.. its just a saying tat i think its reali nice... tats all... nothin more..and surely no bride involved.. heheh...
101: so are you single?
Arul Kanesh: single and ready to mingle..
Arul Kanesh: hehehe..
101: i see 101: so do you think that being a football player makes girls fall for a guy?
Arul Kanesh: haha.. actually not reli.. it may just help a little to show of the guys tricks.. eventually its the guys character tat matters..
101: do have a special request or anything to say to anybody in particular?
Arul Kanesh: thx to shabooyaaz for the future belanje makan for winning SUKOM Games...
101: Thank you Arul for your cooperation.
101: We would like to wish you best of luck in future games and in life.
Arul Kanesh: Not at all.. i should thank you for interviewing me...
Arul Kanesh: Thx alot for the wishes..
[The face of Craig David who Arul might be inspired with his facial look]
Apparently the beard was inspired by a Mexican actor.
Arul refused to name the actor for personal reasons.
haha... nice & funny! ;D
huhu..arul memang sporting! =p
lololol.. comedy.ru/cfc-arul-craigdavids wannabe
nice work arul... n ya wat dinner dinner all ah 4m shabooyaz??? lolz ;p n who is dat mexican actor ar??? fernando xose 4m rosalinda ar>??? ahahahahaha....! ~cheerz 2 chittapa~ *thama*
thama, better have the dinner.. if not we invade ur room in Kahov.. :P
Not Rosalinda.. its Maria Mercedes i think.. heheh.. :D
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