1on1: why the name BOOGIS?
Bugis: hahaha. i knew this question would come up.
1on1: of course nak tau :D
Bugis: actually it started with Paan. he was looking for a team, and it turned out that all of his batchmates already formed a team. so we started discussing among us and got 8 people. time decide tu, banyak la nama yang keluar... sampailah Reez tulis kat paper nama "Boogis". tak terfikir la pulak kan. at that time we played to enjoy ourselves.
1on1: so bangga la dieorg ambik sempena nama kau? are you really a Bugis?
Bugis: bangga? takde la. i'm not the star of the team, unlike them. hehe. and i'm proud to be Melanau. aku bukan org bugis. ahaks.
1on1: lerrr... then mana dtg nama tu?
Bugis: cerita lama and panjang. one thing i know, my ears are already so used to being called Bugis.
1on1: well maybe we'll save the history of your name for next time. LOL.
Bugis: when we started this season, we knew that many teams have improved, and we really tried our best to win the cup. but unfortunately, we ended up with a draw with Copa and lost to DNC. kalau ikut logic akal..memang xleh kot No. 1. but we'll try our best. kalau rezeki tahun ni, dapat la jadi champion. if not, maybe luck isn't on our side.
1on1: why did you say you won't be the champs. we know anything can happen in the league.
Bugis: yeah we really want the cup, but right now i'd say that the light is fading. hehe
1on1: who's your football role model?
Bugis: if you mean international player, it'd be Drogba. finishing dia sangat gempak. high percentage. if he gets the chance in front of the goal, then a goal it is.
if you mean the RFL players, of course none other than our striker, Reez. macam lipas kudung pun ada aku tengok. reminds me of Abg Sep dulu. sebijik.
1on1: what's the best RFL moment for you?
Bugis: banyak. every moment of RFL. but the best of all would be when we lost against Copa last season. that time, we were sure that we'd win the cup, but itu semua jadi harapan palsu bila kena tibai 4-1. ahaks.
1on1: okayyy. tak faham kenapa tu best moment?
Bugis: haha. entah la. i don't know why but time tu rasa macam happy. maybe because it was our first loss of the season. it's not that we got tired of winning, but nak gak rasa kekalahan.. barulah lumrah dunia, macam putaran roda. :))
1on1: adeiii. pelik la kau ni.
1on1: what do you like most about futsal?
Bugis: so many things. from futsal, we get to know many people from M2. futsal memang rapatkan silatulrahim. and teamwork. when you're pressured, ther'll always be someone to calm
things down.
1on1: your interests other than futsal?
Bugis: actually i only started to play futsal in 2005, after my SPM. before that i played basketball. i played basketball since i was in standard five.
1on1: mana lagi best.. futsal or basket?
Bugis: i like that question. kalau ada RBL (RSMU basketball league) i'd definitely join it. for me, baskteball is the best sport, because it's the sport i played since i was a kid.
1on1: girls playing futsal: hot or not?
Bugis: hehehe. hot memang hot. but compared to guys, it's more to fun. kalau guys main futsal, you can see the pressure, berkerut dahi. kalau tengok girls main, selang 2 minit sure gelak. ini pernyataan bukan kutukan, tetapi pujian.
1on1: interesting answer.
Bugis: dem, kena tembak rufflesia lah ni nanti. =_=

Bugis: tak tak tak~~~~
tak semua laki tak suka dilabel cute. i disagree.
1on1: so do you consider yourself cute? :P
Bugis: wow. i didn't say anything. hahahah.
1on1: hahahaha. so what's your suggestion to improve the quality of futsal in RSMU?
Bugis: memang kena banyak training. fitness, passing etc. actually, futsal RSMU dah power, but taktau kenapa tak boleh dapat gold time Nizhny Games.
1on1: ok, i think i've bothered you enough with all these questions. hehehe. any last words to RFL fans out there?
Bugis: yeay! habis dah? berpeluh aku menjawab. hehe. teruskan RFL utk rapatkan silatulrahim!
1on1: thanks Bugis!
Bugis: no prob :)
buuggiiss!! nk kene tembak dgn rufflesia?? haha.. no worries. it's a fact wat! ;p
the first pic, damn! u really look exactly like naz! sheessh..
kalo la fatima tgk pic nih. heh.
bugis.. perrr..
1 on 1.. cute lak tu... :P
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