you might wanna ask, who's Faizal and Irsyad? their names might be foreign to most of our ears, because this Red Shark Brother Duo from Akula F.C. are better known to RSMU-ians as Palong and Busu. we from 1-on-1 decided to give this week's interview a bit of a twist; instead of just one-on-one interview, we bring to you the two Jumaat Brothers!
first Q to Busu: how did you end up being in Akula FC? Did Palong force you into the team?
Busu: Nope. Actually i love to play futsal. before the league i always play together with some friends at the sportzal. so when i heard about this futsal league, i became interested to participate. my brother was the one who put my name in Akula. he is my biggest supporter.
what's your experience in football/futsal?
Busu: actually i had no experience. before this i just played futsal for fun. it's like a dream come true, to be in the league.
Palong: experience.. masa PT kot. zaman sekolah dulu takde futsal lagi. ada gak main bola padang, tapi aku kaki bangku. haha.
how does it feel like, to have your own brother as a teammate?
Palong: best kot. Busu selalu stone je dalam bilik.. so aku ajak dia main futsal, and put him on the team.
Busu: haha. it is definitely cool. my bro's a good player, and i just wanna say that i love you bro.
wahhh. so as the captain, Palong tak buli kau ke Busu?
Busu: no la. he's a good and caring brother. like a "brother mithali". :)
so in turn, what do you have to say about Busu?
Palong: of course, i have to support my brother. adik beradik la katakan. busu ni pendiam, but he's very active. he even join debates. in futsal, he's ok.. same like me. maybe it's in our genes. hehe.
What's your best moment in RFL?
Palong: best moment? time jadi keeper Chipendale. rasa best gile kalau dapat save bola, tak kisah menang atau kalah.
tak terasa nak jadi keeper untuk season ni?
Palong: terasa gak. i think i'm most comfortable as a keeper coz i use my volleyball skills. maybe i'll be a reserve keeper, in case Nazmi got injured.
what do you think is the best thing about futsal?
Busu: friendship. it's like, in a team we work hard together to win. and the friendship becomes stronger and stronger each week and become a chemistry.
but Akula lost 3 out of 4 matches for the past four weeks. macam mana tu?
Palong: takpe.. i formed the team not to pressure my teammates. we all play for fun. main je..kalah pun takpe.
Busu: we play for fun. football isn't about winning. it's about satisfaction.
so are you satisfied for the past few weeks?
Busu: not really. but we are satisfied on our first win (against Bukit Tinggi FC).
as the captain, what are the changes that you think Akula has to do in the coming matches?
Palong: improve passing, strengthen our defense. kalau boleh rembat... rembat aje. mana tau, boleh gol.
after reading this, we'll let you readers be the judge, as to how similar or different this siblings are. one thing we know, there's definitely brotherly love in the air. (awwww..) anyway, RFL 1on1 wishes the brothers and their team the best of luck!
MIC Tamil New Year Cup. A happy ending?
15 years ago
1 comment:
cucpakes untuk yg tersayang??
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