This RFL season we’ve decided to spice things up with a weekly series of exclusive one-on-one interviews with selected players from RFL teams.
To kick off this week, RFL one-on-one brings to you one of the most celebrated players from last season. The Fantasy Futsal League 07/08 “Dream Team Goalkeeper”, also dubbed as “The Flying Java”, Gastroboi’s Dinie Tumaisuri speaks to us about futsal, and more.

1. Who are your favourite players for a perfect team?
• Myself
• Mate
• Nfizree
• Nabil
• Iqbal
2. What are the best moments and worst moment so far you had experience in playing football/futsal?
The best was when I had a clean sheet in the last season of RFL until Hari scored a goal against Copa Cobana in the 7th week.
I had also trained under the Malaysian Football Keeper during my high school in the Under 18 and the Coca Cola team.
Besides, ‘Flying Java’ nick had become more popular among friends after saving shots from Mate and Iqbal.
Worst moment would have been of course when Hari scored THAT goal and the whole sportzal was cheering hysterically for him!
3. What is your strength?
I had the obsession of being a goal keeper since I was a little kid. Encouragement from family and fans leads me to be a better player and having a pair of good gloves definitely gives me the confidence to catch the ball.
Being a goal keeper isn’t about skill, but the endurance to do anything to save the ball and a good and understanding team mates puts me in a best position.
4. What is your weakness?
Easy. Sheila. (big grin)
5. What are your hopes and targets for the league, or even in the future?
Since I had an injury at my finger, I have decided to rest for the mean time. Definitely, I am still looking forward to play for the GK position in any other big tournament. I prefer to be a goalkeeper with passion and not easily dispirited in a game.
6. Last question, what is the most spent item and you regret it?
Well, I bought a pair of shoe that cost me almost RM300 and I only wore it once.
Maybe it’s because of the unplanned shopping!
Watch Dinie and his team, Gastroboi in action tomorrow night! And stay tuned for next week’s one-on-one interview. Your favourite player, your teammate, or even you might be interviewed next!
weakness : sheila. olololo xD
gambar nice-s-whole...hahaha
poyo giler dinie tumaisuri .............. ( p/s aku ingat lagi) hehe...
yela.. dinie la keeper yang terhebat dalam sejarah mozac~
takde aaa...maen cm taik je
jawapan no 4 sangat poyo ..
flying java ..? nice nick dude .. tapi sbg ganti ko tk ajar aku men gitar aku nk kasut ko haha ..
asal sume malaun dengki ngn aku..haha..xpe2,jauh dlm ati korg ttp sokong aku..
well..nie kne pakse comment..hem hem..nick name pon dah flying obviously la superb(i've seen him played b4)~.hee ape lg blanje makan nasik lemak laaa!!..;p..
p/s:btw..gmbar tu tersgt2 la bongok~
sape org lama sure dh tau kelemahan dinie ni ape...huhu
nk aku senaraikn ke?
ko tau ke karut??xpenah pun aku bolos ngn ko..
haha...ko x pna try lg...if keeper2 hebat cm ko ni...nk tewaskn guna otak aaa...mane leh maen sebat je..kn2 :) ler...ble nk maen?ajak aa..hehe
dinie's weakness is sheila?
abes la ko pasnih
ku pasang poster sheila mrate tempat
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